Looking for a Better Cisco CDR Reporting Solution?

Looking for a Better Cisco CDR Reporting Solution?

Why do Variphy users consistently say that they love our product?

Maybe because we build what they request, delivered in a simple, easy to use format.

You asked for enhanced Cisco CDR reporting, and now with Variphy 8, you have it. One of the biggest differentiators between Variphy and other CDR Reporting products is that since we are a dedicated Cisco shop, we are able to integrate Call Detail Reporting with our industry best Cisco CUCM reporting.

Variphy automatically fetches end user, device, and other information from CUCM and marries that information into your CDR Reports.

The benefit is that our customers don’t need to keep a spreadsheet, defining which users have a particular phone number(s) assigned to them. Manual spreadsheets are frustrating, time consuming and error prone.

CDR Report Summary Per CUCM End User
CDR Report Summary Per CUCM End User

Some of the CUCM fields that you can now add to your call usage reports include:

  • CUCM End User
  • CUCM End User Full Name (Last, First)
  • CUCM Primary Extension + Partition
  • CUCM LDAP Telephone Number
  • CUCM Device Description
  • CUCM Device Product Type (e.g. Cisco 7945 or SIP Trunk)
  • CUCM Device Protocol Type (e.g. SIP or SCCP)
  • CUCM Device Pool
  • CUCM Device Location

If that isn’t enough of a differentiator, Variphy also reports on Cisco Call Management Records (CMR) to identify calls with poor MOS, jitter or latency.

Variphy can also identify which calls terminated in your environment along with the Cisco cause codes – for example ‘Call Rejected’, ‘Requested circuit/channel not available’, ‘Network out of order and much more.

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