Get Hunt Group User, Phone Status in Real Time With Variphy’s Widget

Get Hunt Group User, Phone Status in Real Time With Variphy’s Widget

One of Variphy’s powerful call management tools gives you the ability to determine hunt group status in real time. Our widget helps you stay informed about the status of registrations, hunt group logins, and more. 

After listening to our customers, we learned that there are two uses for information on hunt groups in real time: data view from the phone perspective and data view from the user perspective. 

With this in mind, we gave our users the ability to toggle between user and phone views.

User View vs. Phone View

When User View is enabled, you will see if a user is logged in to at least one hunt group or logged out of all hunt groups. With the table display turned on, you can configure detail columns to see which hunt groups users are logged in, as well as other details like department, phone, and hunt pilot status duration.

Phone View provides the same display options for another set of detail columns. You can enable statistics like registered phones; here, our customers will primarily be focused on phones and their registration status. Details like phone description, registration timestamp, hunt pilot association, and phone type may be configured.

And, of course, all this information updates in real time.

View Statuses Easily With Color-Coded Displays

In the Variphy application, this data is displayed in one table so you won’t have to look through clutter just to get the information you need. This grouping function is solely present in the User View to support user-to-hunt-group association, which is the primary purpose of this widget. 

In addition to valuable insight, data is color-coded for easier interpretation. The color-coding feature may be enabled, and it works for both the user and phone perspectives. 

For either view, the Hunt Pilot Status column will determine color-coding. If the result is Logged In, the whole row will light up green. If the value is Logged Out, the row will light up red. 

Real-Time Hunt Group Status is just one of many widgets Variphy offers to help you manage your calling environment. Learn more about our Cisco Unified CM widgets and dashboards here.