Top 5 Zoom Phone Metrics Every Business Should Track

Top 5 Zoom Phone Metrics Every Business Should Track

As more organizations adopt Zoom Phone as their cloud telephony solution, understanding and monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) becomes essential for optimizing system performance. We’ll explore five critical Zoom Phone KPIs that every business should track to gain valuable insights into their communication patterns, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions. By closely monitoring these metrics, you can enhance your phone system, improve customer satisfaction, and boost overall operational efficiency.

KPI #1: Total Call Volume

The Total Call Volume KPI tracks the total number of calls that have been managed by your Zoom Phone system during a specified time period. Monitoring this KPI over time will give you an overview of call volume fluctuations within a day, a week, a month, or even a year. Equipped with this data, you can fine-tune your customer service deployment, office hours, and staffing schedules to meet demand. Understanding overall system usage is vital, as it provides insights into communication patterns and peak times. 

KPI #2: Connected vs. Not Connected Calls

Metrics on Connected Calls and Not Connected Calls can give you a good indication of the customer calling experience. Connected calls track all calls in which a connection was established, regardless of duration. Not Connected Calls are calls in which no connection was established, including abandoned calls. The latter KPI may indicate issues with system capacity or call routing, potential problems with phone lines, or network connectivity issues. 

KPI #3: Average Call Duration

Average Call Duration represents the typical length of each connected call as it works through your system. The Average Call Duration KPI provides an excellent snapshot of how efficient your team or your automated system is at handling the callers’ requests and avoiding long hold times and customer frustration.

Calls that are uncharacteristically long or short can be investigated to discover the details of the interaction. This can serve as an excellent information-gathering tool that highlights areas where additional team training may be needed or suggests that broader policy or strategy changes could be in order. 

KPI #4: Abandoned Calls

Abandoned Calls are those calls where a client connects via the automated system but disconnects the call before speaking with a live agent. Abandoned calls may be the result of long hold times or frustration with an automated system that is not adequately equipped to properly route or resolve the customer’s call.

KPI #5: Voicemail Calls

Tracking the number of voicemails left by clients will give you a strong indication of when customers are unable to reach customer service staff. Paying close attention to upward trends in voicemail numbers will help you be proactive when it comes to adding staff to cover an increased call volume. 

Why Track Zoom Phone KPIs

The core KPIs can provide you with a comprehensive snapshot that can help you define areas of improvement and implement targeted strategies to correct areas in need of improvement. By gaining better visibility into your calling environment, you can enhance the overall customer experience. Variphy’s customizable dashboards for Zoom Phone can be the foundation of your strategy.

By incorporating these KPIs into your overall tracking, businesses can develop a comprehensive understanding of their Zoom Phone environment’s performance. This holistic approach allows for data-driven decision-making, ultimately leading to improved customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.