Credit union gains confidence in their CUCM data with Variphy’s advanced analytics

Credit union gains confidence in their CUCM data with Variphy’s advanced analytics

Reliable data is the cornerstone of informed business decisions. For Veridian Credit Union, a not-for-profit cooperative founded in Iowa, generating reliable reports on their calling environment was a significant challenge for their staff. They turned to Variphy to give them better insight.

The Need for Reliable Reports

Veridian had been struggling with generating reliable reports for their Cisco Unified Communications (CUCM) environment. They were lacking confidence in the information they were providing in reports to the organization’s leadership. 

When they learned about Variphy, they signed up for a proof of concept to see what it can do with their data.

Accurate Data and Dependable Support

Deploying Variphy was a breeze. The proof of concept allowed them to test the application live in their environment. Immediately, they were able to generate the reports they had been looking for

From the outset, Variphy earned top marks with Veridian’s technical and administrative staff. It exceeded their expectations and provided quick, efficient reporting that could be scheduled daily. 

While they thought the pricing was fair, what truly stood out to them was the reliable information they received. They realized a return on investment with confident call history reporting and intuitive dashboards that made a tangible impact on their operations.

“Variphy listens to customer feedback. Our suggestions were not only heard but implemented, making the entire experience of working with Variphy truly collaborative.” 

– Amos Kraus, Telephony Architect, Veridian Credit Union

Aside from the application itself, Veridian also gave Variphy’s support team a “10/10.” They found Variphy’s support team to not only be highly skilled but also incredibly personable, addressing their concerns and ensuring a seamless experience.

With Variphy, Veridian was able to transform their approach to call data reporting and analytics. Regular, reliable reports give them better insight into their calling environment, giving their team the confidence they need to support their business decisions.

Features Used by Veridian Credit Union