Get Contact-Center-Like Analytics From Your Hunt Groups

Get Contact-Center-Like Analytics From Your Hunt Groups

Mike and Dre from our Systems Engineering team hosted a workshop highlighting how to obtain contact-center-like reports and analytics for the hunt group and native call queuing features.

A contact center application is a centralized call routing application used to manage incoming and outgoing customer interactions, which can occur across channels like calls, emails, and chats. Contact center applications provide advanced interaction routing depending on the customer’s needs and can provide robust analytics and reporting. 

What if you don’t have a contact center? With Variphy, you can still get call-center-like analytics without deploying a full contact center application.

In this workshop, Dre provides an overview of our widgets and how to build your own contact-center-like dashboard:

Real-time Hunt Pilot Status: Primarily used to monitor the status of users and phones logged into a hunt group.

Hunt Group [User Stats]:  Displays metrics such as who answered the call, total call counts handled by the user, and average call duration for the given time period.

Hunt Group [Call Volume]: Provides a summary of a specific hunt group based on search criteria and filtering. Popular options for this widget are total call count, answered call count, abandoned call count, and average ring duration.

Want to see more of our products in action? Register for our upcoming workshops!