6 Widgets to Add to Your Webex Calling Dashboard

6 Widgets to Add to Your Webex Calling Dashboard

Are you a Webex Calling administrator looking for advanced reporting and analytics in your environment? 

Variphy Reporting and Analytics for Webex Calling gives you the flexibility to view and display your data how you’d like! Whether you’re looking to display concurrency, individual call statistics, or identify busy hours for staffing needs, we’ve got you covered.

In the webinar below, our systems engineers highlighted six widgets that can be added to your dashboard to give you better visibility into your environment. You can share these dashboards with Variphy non-admin users via permalink to give them access to data.

Which widgets should you add to your Webex Calling dashboard?

With Variphy’s customizable dashboards, you can dive into your data and discover trends in your calling environment. Here are six widgets we recommend adding to your dashboard so you can track important metrics and find the info you need quickly.

Call Distribution Widget

Visualize how calls are distributed in your Webex Calling environment. This widget displays call distribution by agent and provides a summary of total call count and average call duration.

Utilization and Concurrent Call Activity Widget

Identify peak demand by time period. You can view a graph of concurrent calls and learn when you’re experiencing busy hours to help with staffing decisions.

Call Volume by Time Widget

Track busy hours in a hunt group. This highly customizable widget allows for reporting on specific time frames, like hours, days, weeks, and months.

Call Statistics Widget

Define and view important call statistics like answered call count, answered call percentage, and abandoned call counts. This widget can also display on-demand reporting within your dashboard. 

Call History Detail Widget

Display the call history details your organization is interested in tracking. You can choose criteria like calls answered, calls abandoned, and ring time. 

Grouping Statistics Widget

Get real-time data on groups by agent, department, location, and more. With this widget, you can display data you might generate in reports like minimum and maximum call count.

We can deploy the Variphy application and integrate it with your Webex Calling environment in 20 minutes or less! Want to see a full demo of the solution? Are you ready to jump into a fully supported proof of concept? Our SE team is ready to assist!

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