April Fools’ Day

April Fools’ Day

With only one weekend until the funniest day of the year have you thought of what pranks you’ll be playing on your coworkers?

With time running out I thought I’d share 3 of my favorite practical jokes. Variphy is not just serious analytics, we’re a complete stack! Use our software to have a bit of fun, after all it’d be irresponsible not to…

Use Variphy’s Remote Phone Control to identify a coworkers device, using the quick “Dial Number” option dial their cell phone number… watch their confused face while they try to identify what’s happening:

As the old saying goes let’s kill two birds with one stone. Identify two of your coworkers devices, place a call between them and enable speaker phone:

Have a paranoid coworker? Give them a good reason to put on their tin foil hat. Using the Variphy Broadcast tool send funny but tasteful messages:

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