6 Widgets You Should Have on Your Zoom Phone Analytics Dashboard

6 Widgets You Should Have on Your Zoom Phone Analytics Dashboard

With Variphy, you can quickly create, manage, and share dashboards with other users in your organization. This article highlights a few of the widgets our Zoom Phone customers can use to customize their dashboards. For more info on creating your initial dashboard, take a look at our Knowledge Base article.

Which widgets should you add to your Zoom Phone analytics dashboard?

Call analytics needs vary from one organization to another, so we designed our dashboards to be customizable with drag-and-drop widgets. Here are six of the most popular widgets used by our customers. 

Call Distribution

The Call Distribution widget shows the total call count for a given search criteria and time period, displayed in a donut chart. 

Call History Details

The Call History Details widget shows the most recent call activity details for a given search criteria and time period.

Call Statistic

The Call Statistic widget displays key statistics of your choice, such as total call count, total call duration, connected call count, and call percentage.

Call Volume by Time Period

The Call Volume by Time Period widget displays the number of calls for a given search criteria and time period.

Grouping Statistics

The Grouping Statistics widget shows metrics for configured groups displayed as a customizable table.

Concurrent Call Activity

The Concurrent Call Activity widget displays the total concurrent calls for a given search criteria and time period.

In addition to the above dashboard widgets, our Systems Engineering team has also provided reporting templates for your Zoom Phone environment. Find out more about the available templates and download them here.

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