Variphy Webex Calling Reports: Understanding Data Types & Metrics

Variphy Webex Calling Reports: Understanding Data Types & Metrics

Webex Calling has become essential for many organizations seeking streamlined communication. Variphy enhances this platform with robust call analytics and reporting solutions, enabling deeper insights into call data.

Understanding data types and metrics in reports is crucial for optimization. This short guide aims to help you understand the components of a Webex Calling report and how to use them effectively. Whether you’re looking to improve call quality, track usage patterns, or dive deep into call details, we’ve got you covered.

Overview of Variphy Webex Calling Reports 

Variphy is a comprehensive call analytics and reporting solution that enables organizations to monitor, analyze, and report on their calling environment. And, unlike basic reporting tools, Variphy offers customizable functionalities that allow users to track the metrics that matter to them. 

Key Features of Variphy Reporting and Analytics: 

  • Customizable Reports: Tailor reports to fit specific needs and environments. 
  • Data Retention Flexibility: Store call data for as long as needed, beyond the standard 13 months. 
  • Flexible Data Hosting: Choose between cloud, on-premises, or hybrid setups.
  • Role-based Access: Assign logins to non-admin users with controlled access to data. 
  • Scheduled Reports: Automate report generation and delivery. 

Types of Data in Variphy Webex Calling Reports 

Call Detail Records (CDRs) 

CDRs are the fundamental data type in call reporting, capturing detailed information about each call. They provide essential insights into call patterns, durations, and user behaviors, enabling organizations to understand how their communication systems are used. 

Common Fields in CDRs

  • Date/Time Origination: When the call was made. 
  • Calling Party Number: The number of the caller. 
  • Called Party Number: The number of the recipient. 
  • Call Duration: How long the call lasted. 
  • Direction: Whether the call was incoming or outgoing. 

Call Quality Metrics 

Call quality metrics are essential for assessing the performance and reliability of the communication system. They help identify issues such as poor audio quality or network problems, which can significantly impact user experience and productivity. 

Key Quality Metrics to Track

  • Packet Loss: The percentage of data packets lost during transmission. 
  • Jitter: Variability in packet arrival times. 
  • Latency: Delay in audio transmission. 

Usage Metrics 

Usage metrics provide insights into how the communication system is being utilized, which can help optimize resources and improve user experiences. 

Common Usage Metrics

  • Total Call Volume: The total number of calls made and received. 
  • Call Duration Statistics: Average, longest, and shortest call durations. 
  • User and Extension Activity: Activity levels of individual users and extensions. 

Popular Metrics Used in Variphy Webex Calling Reports 

Call Volume 

Call Volume offers a comprehensive view of the overall call activity within the organization, helping to identify peak usage times and general call trends. 


  • Total Calls: The total number of calls over a period. 
  • Answered Calls: Number of calls answered. 
  • Missed Calls: Number of calls missed. 

Call Duration 

Understanding call duration helps assess user engagement and identify long-duration calls that might indicate issues or high-value interactions.


  • Average Call Duration: Mean duration of all calls. 
  • Longest Call: Duration of the longest call. 
  • Shortest Call: Duration of the shortest call. 

Call Quality 

These statistics are vital for maintaining high service quality and quickly addressing any issues affecting call performance. 


  • Packet Loss: Percentage of lost packets. 
  • Jitter: Measurement of packet arrival variability. 
  • Latency: Delay in transmission. 

User and Extension 

Monitoring user and extension statistics helps manage resource allocation, identify key users or problematic patterns, and optimize the overall use of the communication system. 


  • Top Callers: Users with the highest call volumes. 
  • Call Patterns: Analysis of calling behaviors. 
  • Extension Usage: Activity levels for different extensions. 

Choosing the Right Data Types for Your Reporting Needs 

Identifying Your Reporting Goals 

The first step in effective reporting is to define your objectives clearly. Are you looking to improve call quality, optimize resource allocation, or gain insights into user behavior? Each goal will require different types of data and metrics. 

Matching Goals with Appropriate Data Types 

  • For Call Quality Improvement: Focus on call quality metrics like packet loss, jitter, and latency. 
  • For Resource Optimization: Utilize usage metrics and call volume statistics. 
  • For User Behavior Insights: Analyze CDRs and user statistics. 

Tips for Selecting the Right Metrics 

  • Relevance: Choose metrics that directly impact your goals. Avoid overwhelming reports with unnecessary data. 
  • Granularity: Decide on the level of detail required – high-level summaries for quick insights or detailed records for in-depth analysis. 
  • Regular Monitoring: Use scheduled reports to keep track of key metrics over time, ensuring that you can monitor trends and respond to changes promptly. 

Why Effective Call Reporting Matters

Managing a communication system is by no means a small feat. But with Variphy, you have a powerful tool at your disposal. These reports can help you transform data into actionable insights that can make a real difference in your organization’s communication strategy. Variphy’s Webex Calling reports provide a comprehensive look at call activities, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks. Explore Variphy today and start leveraging detailed call analytics to enhance your operational efficiency. Tailor your reports, ensure compliance with data retention policies, and empower your team with the insights they need to succeed.