Optimize Your Microsoft Teams Phone Environment with Variphy

Optimize Your Microsoft Teams Phone Environment with Variphy

Microsoft Teams Phone, with its integrated calling, global reach, and enterprise-grade features, enables efficient communication within an organization and offers a reliable calling experience for customers. With such powerful technology, you need equally robust reporting and analytics. Variphy’s Teams Phone integration lets you search, analyze, and report on your organization’s call activity, giving you the data you need to take your business to the next level. 

What is Microsoft Teams Phone?

Microsoft Teams Phone is a cloud-based telecommunications system. With Teams Phone, employees can use a single interface to communicate with customers or each other, allowing for a more seamless and efficient workflow. They can do everything from making and receiving calls within your company to setting up advanced features like call menus, queues, and voicemail. It works smoothly with Teams on computers or desk phones and can connect to phones in external networks. 

It’s a one-stop solution for telecommunications, and because it is a cloud platform, it can scale to business needs without extensive infrastructure changes. Connecting to the cloud also allows for more reliability, easier integration with other cloud services, and enhanced security.

Gain Visibility into Teams Phone Data

Monitoring the performance of a VoIP system is essential to identifying and addressing issues like call quality or network congestion. You also need to make sure you stay compliant with data retention policies. Microsoft Teams Phone offers some native reporting tools that give you a peek at call quality and allow you to prioritize delay-sensitive network traffic. However, some organizations need more visibility into call quality, usage patterns, and performance metrics.   

Variphy is a third-party solution for Teams Phone that helps organizations stay on top of their key metrics and stay in compliance with data retention policies. Our solution gives you visibility into trends in your environment, whether your organization is fully on Teams Phone, has a hybrid solution, or using additional cloud calling platforms like Webex Calling and Zoom Phone.

Key Features of Variphy Reporting and Analytics for Microsoft Teams Phone

Take a look at what Variphy has to offer and how it can take your company to the next level:

  1. Advanced Reporting Features: With customizable reports, your team can build executive summaries to get an overview of trends or dig deeper into data to get to the root of issues.
  2. User Activity Tracking and Adoption Metrics: See how users are utilizing Teams Phone and identify gaps where they might need more training or assistance. 
  3. Proactive Alerting and Notifications for Defined Issues: When technical issues arise, know right away with alerts sent straight to you. Get ahead of isolated issues before they affect your entire system. 
  4. Multi-vendor Integration: Variphy also supports Webex Calling, Zoom Phone, and CUCM. Organizations that use these vendors can access call analytics in a single interface.
  5. Unlimited Call Data Retention: Stay in compliance with data retention policies. Users can access historical data to generate reports for a more accurate view on trends. 

Benefits of Using Variphy

Add Variphy to your telecommunications strategy for better insight into your call data. Our reporting and analytics solution helps you with:

  • Actionable Insights: Optimize usage and identify issues early on. 
  • Cost Savings: Cut costs by improving operational issues like staffing and device utilization. 
  • Compliance: Keep call history data for as long as you need. 

See How Variphy Can Save You Time and Resources

Go beyond basic analytics and build reports that matter to you. Request a demo today to see how you can take advantage of Variphy’s solutions to optimize your Teams Phone environment.