What’s New in Variphy 15.4

What’s New in Variphy 15.4

Variphy 15.4 brings exciting new updates to our CUCM, Webex Calling, and Zoom Phone. In a Wednesday Webinar, our team gave an overview of the features in this software release.

Variphy 15.4 Highlights

1. Tracking Calls to Voicemail by Directory Number

A key feature introduced in Variphy 15.4 is the enhanced capability for identifying voicemail calls. Traditionally, the system relied on device names to recognize voicemail ports within CUCM. However, this software release goes a step further by allowing users to configure voicemail identification using directory numbers or sets of directory numbers.

This enhancement addresses challenges faced by organizations with complex call routing setups. Some users utilize auto attendants for purposes other than voicemail, which can make it difficult to distinguish calls going to auto attendants versus those directed elsewhere within the organization. With the ability to configure voicemail identification based on directory numbers, Variphy 15.4 provides a more flexible and accurate solution for large-scale deployments.

2. Improved Handling of Duplicate CDRs

In previous versions, if the Variphy service was shut down in the midst of processing data, the processing would restart from the beginning upon resumption. This might have resulted in duplicate records being processed, impacting system performance and responsiveness. Variphy 15.4 introduces significant backend improvements and caching mechanisms to address this issue.

With this software release, the system resumes processing from the point of interruption, eliminating the need to rehash entire files and ensuring a more responsive experience after the system restarts. 

3. Global APIs for Webex Calling

The globalization of business means that organizations operate in diverse regions, each with its unique requirements. Variphy 15.4 acknowledges this by introducing support for global APIs in Webex Calling. Users can choose their API region, with default options covering the U.S., Europe, Canada, and government entities. Moreover, the system allows the addition of custom APIs, providing the flexibility to adapt to evolving features in the Webex Calling platform. 

4. CDR Alerting for Zoom Phone

Variphy 15.4 extends its alerting capabilities to Zoom Phone, a highly requested feature from our user community. Similar to existing alerting functionalities for CUCM and Webex Calling, users can set up alerts based on CDR information specific to Zoom Phone. This includes the ability to create alerts for scenarios such as 911 calls or international calls, enhancing monitoring capabilities for Zoom Phone users.

5. IPv6 Support for Cisco CUBE

With the global transition to IPv6, Variphy 15.4 stays ahead of the curve by adding support for IPv6 IP addresses in the remote media address for Cisco CUBE. This enhancement is especially crucial for organizations in the process of migrating to IPv6, offering a future-proof solution for reporting and analytics in CUBE environments.

6. Customizable Default Search Set

Variphy 15.4 introduces a user-centric feature that allows organizations to customize their default search criteria. Traditionally, users logging in to Variphy would encounter a default search set based on criteria such as calling, original, or final called party numbers. Recognizing that different organizations have distinct reporting preferences, Variphy provides the ability to define the default search criteria according to individual needs.

This customization extends to both system-wide settings and user-specific preferences. Organizations can define a global default search set under application settings, ensuring consistency across the system. However, individual users can override the system default by setting their own preferred search criteria in their account settings.

7. Enhanced Alerting

Variphy 15.4 brings cosmetic enhancements to its alerting system, focusing on better alignment and presentation of columns in alert emails. While this may seem like a subtle improvement, it contributes to a more polished and visually cohesive presentation of alert information. Additionally, alert emails now include a CDR report in PDF format, offering recipients a more detailed and comprehensive overview of the calls triggering the alerts.

Learn More About Variphy 15.4

Variphy 15.4 presents a comprehensive set of features and improvements catering to the diverse needs of organizations using UC analytics. From enhanced voicemail call tracking to expanded support for different platforms, Variphy continues to evolve as a robust solution for managing and analyzing unified communications. If you have any questions or would like more in-depth information about the update, please feel free to reach out or contact your Variphy account manager today.