Customer Success: NCH Healthcare System

Customer Success: NCH Healthcare System

  • Location: United States
  • Industry: Healthcare
  • Product: Variphy Reporting and Analytics for Cisco CUCM, Variphy DN & DID Management for Cisco, Variphy Remote Phone Control for Cisco
  • Device: 5000+ Phones

The Challenge

Naples Community Hospital (NCH Healthcare System) was facing several challenges with their existing call analytics tools. The functionality of the tools was limited, lacking in-depth analysis and remote phone control capabilities. Number management was a manual and time-consuming process involving spreadsheets prone to errors. NCH also had limited visibility into call records and patterns.

The Solution

NCH chose Variphy for its comprehensive call analysis, DID number management, remote phone control, and user-friendly features. The deployment process was quick and issue-free.

The Impact

With Variphy, NCH can analyze call patterns, pinpoint issues, and make data-driven decisions. Number allocation tasks that previously took up to an hour were reduced to just five minutes or less. The intuitive interface allowed new users to start leveraging the tool’s capabilities within minutes. The remote phone control feature enabled their IT team to manage phone configurations effortlessly without having physical access to each device.

Learn more about our Cisco telephony analytics and reporting solutions.