Customer Success: Mercy Hospital

Customer Success: Mercy Hospital

Mercy is one of the largest U.S. health systems, encompassing acute care, managed, and specialty hospitals.

  • Location: United States
  • Industry: Healthcare
  • Product: Variphy Reporting and Analytics for Cisco CUCM, Variphy As-built Reporting for Cisco, Variphy Change Management for Cisco, Variphy DN & DID Management for Cisco CUCM
  • Device: 50,000 Phones

The Challenge

Mercy faced several critical challenges in managing their extensive communications network. These included meeting data retention compliance requirements, difficulty in quickly identifying and tracking troubled calls, and a lack of analytics and metrics for non-contact center staff members. These issues hindered their ability to efficiently manage their communications and ensure optimal patient care.

The Solution

Mercy chose Variphy for its comprehensive solution to address their communication challenges. Variphy’s platform offered unlimited CDR data retention, allowing Mercy to access and report all CDR data as required by corporate, state, and federal policies. The solution enabled hospital administrators and business managers to search and report on Cisco CDR using multiple parameters, including end-user names, departments, and device types, which were not natively available in CDR files.

“Variphy allows us to use data to pinpoint the difference between technology and operational issues, which helps our call center managers.”

The Impact

Variphy’s implementation has had a significant positive impact on Mercy’s operations. The platform’s call flow reporting feature has enabled Mercy to track complete call flows and identify sequence events such as transferred, forwarded, and conference calls. For clinics and sites needing basic automatic call distribution functionality, Variphy generates metrics and analytics comparable to formal contact center reports. The configurable dashboards and widgets have provided Mercy with invaluable insights into call distributions and volumes, allowing for granular reporting on metrics such as abandoned, answered, transferred, forwarded, and voicemail calls.

Learn more about our Cisco telephony analytics and reporting solutions.