Variphy helps county resolve challenges with abandoned calls

Variphy helps county resolve challenges with abandoned calls

The Board of County Commissioners serves as the governing body of five districts in Collier County, Florida. They sought better visibility into their abandoned calls and found that Variphy’s analytics and reporting solution addressed all their needs.

Getting ‘Usable’ Data on their Calling Environment

The Collier County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) was facing issues with their abandoned call rates. Their network engineers wanted insight into their calls, but the analytics solutions they tried did not provide the level of detail they needed to diagnose the problem.

They also found it a challenge to gather “usable” data on metrics that they could present to their leadership. Other reporting solutions they tried were clunky and limited, and they had difficulty reporting on the data the organization wanted to track.

Shedding Light on Abandoned Calls Using Variphy

The BCC searched online for a better application and found out about Variphy in Cisco forums. After reading about how other customers found success with Variphy’s solutions, they signed up for a proof of concept. 

“The deployment was seamless and the technical help we got was incredible,” Joe Olivier, network administrator at the BCC, said. “We were in production very quickly.” Soon the BCC team was building their own dashboards and configuring widgets to display the data they wanted to monitor. Their users liked the ability to customize everything on the fly for each need.

“With Variphy, we were able to shed light on a few issues one of our agencies was having with abandoned calls,” Olivier said. His team was able to use the data Variphy provided to pinpoint the root causes of these issues and work quickly to fix them.

“Variphy gives us the ability to create reports that matter. Our leadership values the reports we can build for them, which include relevant data without needing extensive explanations or notes.”

Joe Olivier, Network Administrator
Collier County Board of County Commissioners

Finding a Solution that Delivers on Data and Support

Aside from Variphy’s application, the BCC is satisfied with the level of support they receive from Variphy’s team. “If we need anything, all we do is touch base with our account manager, and we get assistance immediately,” Olivier said. “With the guidance of Variphy’s experts, we’re able to set up reports for our business partners, like Utility Billing, which is highly visible and draws in a lot of revenue.”

Their experience with Variphy is a refreshing change from the “hands-off” approach of their previous solution. “The platform we used before would assist, but it would be hit-or-miss,” Olivier said. “We also ran out of space in our database and had to go from MySQL to a full-blown database, as the previous vendor was data-intensive and used a ton of space.”

The BCC’s engineers also leverage Variphy’s Remote Phone Control feature, which allows them to troubleshoot phones “without constantly bothering the customers for issues.”

With Variphy, the BCC can create and deliver valuable reports to their leadership. Moreover, they can include or exclude details and display data in charts and summaries, helping them make the most out of their data by customizing reports for technical and non-technical users alike. 

Features Used by the BCC

Variphy Reporting and Analytics for Cisco CUCM

Variphy Reporting and Analytics for Cisco UCCX

Variphy Remote Phone Control for Cisco