How to Monitor Hard Phone Registration Changes With Variphy Change Management

How to Monitor Hard Phone Registration Changes With Variphy Change Management

Variphy’s Change Management feature, which helps you stay on top of configuration changes, can be leveraged for specific use cases to simplify tasks. In our webinar series, systems engineers Jim Scholtens and Victor Vrba discussed how this feature can help you optimize phone system management and how to monitor hard phone registration changes easily.

Monitor Hard Phone Registration With the Configuration Snapshot Feature

The foundation of this feature is the configuration snapshot, which captures details of your environment as needed or at scheduled intervals. 

These snapshots store historical data of the CUCM configuration, serving as a valuable resource for tracking changes and analyzing trends over time. When setting up configuration snapshots for the purpose of tracking hard phones, it’s essential to ensure that the snapshot includes detailed information about IP phones. 

The Comparison Module in Change Management

Variphy’s Comparison module compares configuration snapshots against each other or the live configuration. It’s highly customizable, allowing users to focus on specific elements such as IP phone registrations. 

The webinar highlights the creation of a new comparison definition specifically designed to track phone registration changes, showcasing the module’s flexibility and precision.

Scheduling Comparison Reports

One of the key advantages of this feature is the ability to automate comparison reports. These reports can be scheduled to run at specific times to compare recent configuration snapshots.

Users also have the option to receive reports only when there are changes in registrations, making the monitoring process efficient and focused. By utilizing configuration snapshots for data analysis, it bypasses the need for direct queries to CUCM.

Scheduling As-Built Reports with Subsets

Similar to comparison reports, as-built reports can also be scheduled and customized using subsets. This feature allows for detailed registration status reports for specific types of phones, like hard phones, providing a granular view of the phone system’s status.

Dormant Phones Report

Beyond monitoring active registrations, it’s crucial to identify unused phones within the environment, especially for system clean-up or migration. The Dormant Phones Report can help you identify phones that have not been used for a defined period. This report aids in decluttering the environment and ensures that resources are allocated efficiently.

Variphy’s Change Management feature offers an advanced, customizable, and efficient approach to monitoring hard phone registration changes. By harnessing the power of configuration snapshots and comparison reports, businesses can maintain a robust, responsive, and streamlined telephony environment.