Healthcare system ensures customer service satisfaction through better insight with Variphy

Healthcare system ensures customer service satisfaction through better insight with Variphy

WakeMed Health & Hospitals is the leading provider of health services in Wake County, North Carolina. With over 16,000 devices in their system, their voice engineers and management team needed a solution to help them stay on top of their environment and continue to deliver quality customer service.

Searching for a Solution With Better Visibility

WakeMed was looking for a call detail record (CDR) reporting solution to track the quality of service they provided for their patients. They had thousands of agents who made and received patient calls, and they wanted to ensure that calls were being promptly handled.

As they searched online for the best CDR reporting solution, they continued to come across Variphy. They opted for a free trial and were immediately contacted by a Variphy team member. Soon, they were connected with a systems engineer, who helped them deploy and configure the application.

“The deployment was straightforward,” Emanuel Damasceno, senior unified communications engineer at WakeMed, said. “Like with any project, there were a few minor setbacks, but everyone was very patient and accommodating, and we were able to deploy Variphy quickly.”

Streamlined Reporting and Data Management

WakeMed found great value in Variphy’s functionality. With features that support easy customization, they are able to build and configure reports that include the data they want to track. They can now give their management team accurate and reliable information on their calling environment.

“Variphy has made it easy for our engineering team to present management the information and data they need to make informed decisions. Before Variphy, this process was very complex and cumbersome.”

Emanuel Damasceno
Senior Unified Communications Engineer, WakeMed Health & Hospitals

Aside from generating regular reports, they also rely on Variphy’s search feature to find data quickly. Their users can find information like phone numbers and extensions through a simple search, saving time from scanning and scouring through pages of data.

When they had questions or wanted guidance on how to maximize the use of the application, they contacted Variphy’s support team and received help immediately. “Our dedicated engineer was incredibly responsive, super friendly, and very knowledgeable. He is awesome!” Damasceno said.

Staying on Top of Call Data

With Variphy’s CUCM and CUBE analytics solutions, WakeMed’s administrators and managers can get better insight into trends. They can track their calls from beginning to end and find details on answered and abandoned calls.

“I recommend Variphy’s user-friendly reporting and integration, as well as the support and sales teams,” Damasceno said. “Deploying the software was super easy and intuitive!”

Features Used by WakeMed

Variphy Reporting and Analytics for Cisco CUCM
Variphy Reporting and Analytics for Cisco CUBE