Download Now: Variphy 16.1

Download Now: Variphy 16.1

Variphy 16.1 offers exciting new features and enhancements for our customers using Microsoft Teams, Zoom Phone, Webex Calling, and CUCM.

Variphy 16.1 Highlights

Dashboards and Widgets for Microsoft Teams Phone 

Variphy 16.1 introduces dashboards and widgets for Microsoft Teams Phone. With these new features, users can build custom dashboards using configurable widgets and share with other Variphy users.

Support for Zoom API v2 

Zoom has updated its API, providing more detailed calling records. Variphy 16.1 includes support for this update so users can take advantage of this new version.

Improved Reporting on Abandoned Calls for Zoom

The latest update of Zoom API added the ability to accurately report common areas and abandoned call scenarios. Previously, this information was inaccurate in the Zoom API and would show calls as not connected.

Webex Calling Abandoned Call Scenarios 

Reporting on abandoned call scenarios gives managers insights into their call queues or hunt groups. This new feature allows users to identify wait times or other areas of their phone networks that may need attention due to high abandonment rates.

Run Multiple Search Sets in Call History

This feature enables users to execute, add, and remove multiple search sets in their call history, allowing for more detailed reporting.

Call Quality Reporting for Severely Concealed Seconds Ratio (SCSR)

This release adds SCSR, a primary call quality differentiator, as a call quality field in CUCM reporting.

Upgrade to 16.1!

Download 16.1 today and optimize your analytics and reporting.