New Release: Variphy 15.4

New Release: Variphy 15.4

Variphy 15.4 is here! From improved handling of CDRs to enhancements in UI, the latest release has exciting updates for Cisco, Webex Calling, and Zoom Phone users.

Download 15.4

General Updates

Custom Default Search Criteria

This update allows administrators to change the default search criteria based on licensed platforms. Options include:

  • CUCM Default Call History Search Type
  • Zoom Default Call History Search Type
  • CUBE Default Call History Search Type
  • Webex Default Call History Search Type

Why is this helpful?

Previously, our default value was set to “Original Called Party Number” and was not customizable. Now, Variphy users can set this to a different default value.

Improved Handling of Duplicate CDRs

When the Variphy service is terminated, CDR processing threads might not have been completed before the service shuts down. As a result, when the service restarts, the application might produce duplicate data errors.

Why is this helpful?

Variphy 15.4 improves the processing performance and prevents duplicate entries due to service termination during processing.

CUCM Integration Update

Tracking Calls to Voicemail by Directory Number

Previously, the Variphy application allowed for tracking of calls to voicemail by device name only. By customer request, we’ve added the ability to track calls to voicemail by directory number.

Why is this helpful?

This update is important for customers who are not using Cisco Unity Connection and may be using a third-party voicemail application. In this scenario, there were no voicemail devices configured in CUCM; our previous configuration would not allow for tracking those calls because there are no devices configured. With this new feature, they can track the call by a directory number.

Webex Calling Integration Updates

Global Support for Webex APIs

By default, the Variphy application had been referencing the Webex APIs for North America. With this improvement, Variphy now supports all available Webex APIs, including Fedramp instances.

Why is this helpful?

This update provides support for all currently available Webex APIs, including Europe, Canada, North America, and Webex Federal.

Improved Webex CDR Alert UI

Our latest update improves the alignment of CDR alerts in a chart.

Why is this helpful?

This enhancement improves the readability of CDR alert reports.

Zoom Phone Integration Updates

Zoom Phone CDR Alerts

Variphy 15.4 gives administrators the ability to create CDR alerts for the Zoom Phone platform based on their defined criteria.

Why is this helpful?

With this update, users can get alerts on Zoom Phone CDR activity via email.

CUBE Integration Update

CUBE Support for IPv6

Variphy 15.4 allows clients to migrate to IPv6 addressing when using CUBE.

Why is this helpful?

This update provides compatibility for service providers and clients moving from IPv4 to IPv6 addressing.

Ready to upgrade to 15.4? Download it here.