Enterprise Connect 2023 – Kicking off Day 1!

Enterprise Connect 2023 – Kicking off Day 1!

I’m excited to attend Enterprise Connect in Orlando, Florida, this week! Sessions kick off bright and early today at 9 am, and the expo floor opens at 3 pm. I plan to attend a few sessions today, including; UCAAS (unified communications as a service) Migration, CCAAS (contact center as a service) Case Study, and the opening General Session. 

If you’re attending Enterprise Connect (EC), make sure to stop by booth #1144 and check out Variphy! Many exciting things are happening at Variphy, including our Call Analytics for Zoom Phone and our Call Analytics for Webex Calling platforms. Come by and see what Variphy can do for you in your cloud calling environments, or schedule a time to meet through the Enterprise Connect app!

Check out Variphy’s Analytics and Reporting offerings below:

Variphy UCM Analytics and Reporting

Variphy CUBE Analytics and Reporting

Variphy UCCX Analytics and Reporting

Variphy Call Analytics for Zoom Phone

Variphy Call Analytics for Webex Calling

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