Customer Success Story: University Hospitals of Cleveland

Customer Success Story: University Hospitals of Cleveland

University Hospitals of Cleveland, a major healthcare provider in Ohio, relies on a robust telephony system to support patient care and hospital operations. They looked for a solution to manage their extensive network effectively and found Variphy.

  • Location: United States
  • Industry: Healthcare
  • Products: Variphy Reporting and Analytics for Cisco CUCM, Variphy Change Management for Cisco, Variphy Reporting and Analytics for Cisco CUBE, Variphy Remote Phone Control for Cisco
  • Devices: 40,000 Phones

The Challenge

University Hospitals faced significant challenges in managing their large-scale telephony system. With a single CUCM cluster supporting up to 40,000 devices, they required detailed insights into endpoint and trunk usage, efficient resource allocation, and effective troubleshooting capabilities. The existing system lacked the comprehensive reporting and change management features needed to handle the high volume of calls and dynamic changes in their environment.

The Solution

After evaluating various call detail reporting systems, University Hospitals chose Variphy based on a partner’s recommendation. Variphy’s comprehensive Change Management solution and user-friendly reporting features aligned perfectly with their needs. The deployment process was smooth, and the system’s ease of use and straightforward upgrades further validated their decision.

“It’s not like other products that can be real buggy. Right off the bat, the system has what you need, from a system engineer level all the way up to an executive level.”

The Impact

Implementing Variphy has significantly enhanced University Hospitals’ reporting capabilities, providing detailed insights and facilitating efficient resource management. Variphy’s reliability and responsive support have been crucial, especially during periods of rapid growth when quick licensing adjustments were needed. University Hospitals saw substantial returns within just a few months of deployment, enabling better decision-making and more efficient operations across the hospital network.

Learn more about our Cisco telephony analytics and reporting solutions.