Variphy Zoom Phone Analytics: How to restrict data visibility for users

Variphy Zoom Phone Analytics: How to restrict data visibility for users

Not every user is a system administrator in your organization’s applications — nor should they be. Some supervisors or managers need visibility and analytics only for their team’s or department’s call activity and performance. 

When configuring user accounts or groups in Variphy Call Analytics for Zoom Phone, system administrators can designate users for “Restricted Data Visibility,” which allows them to access specific activity on call history searches, reports, or dashboard widgets.

To configure data restrictions, administrators must navigate to the setup menu and select the “User Accounts & Groups” option from the “User Authentication” section. They can then assign privileges to individuals or groups in which multiple users inherit specific privileges.

 You’ll be given the option to enable restricted visibility settings:

  • View as Own User: Allows the user to see their Zoom Phone call data.
  • View as Manager: Allows the user to see Zoom Phone call data for all users they are configured to manage.
  • View Own Department: Allows the user to see Zoom Phone call data for the department they are assigned to in Zoom, such as sales or accounting. 

Once in Call Analytics, the Data Summary modal will indicate if the user’s Data Visibility is restricted. 

Stay tuned for my next post, where I’ll share some real examples of call history searches with Variphy Call Analytics for Zoom Phone.