Prepare to Migrate to Cloud Calling with Variphy

Prepare to Migrate to Cloud Calling with Variphy

Migrating your phone system from on-premises to the cloud can be filled with challenges. From determining real costs to maintaining visibility into call data and driving user adoption, the process requires thoughtful planning and execution. 

How Variphy Can Help You Prepare to Migrate to Cloud Calling

The dedicated migration team at Variphy can guide you through the transition to cloud calling every step of the way. Below are some of the key challenges Variphy can help you overcome as you prepare for cloud calling migration.

Cost Determination

Moving to the cloud eliminates large upfront investments into hardware, but determining true costs across licenses, calling plans, and maintenance can be difficult. Variphy helps you discover information like dormant phones, DNs, and DIDs so you can calculate ROI and optimize spending.

Data Visibility

View usage trends of your current CUCM environment so you can make informed decisions on the requirements for your new cloud calling platform.

Cloud Compatibility

Variphy helps you determine whether your existing on-premises phones and infrastructure are compatible with a cloud phone system or if upgrades are needed.

Usage Evaluation

Discover how your hunt groups, staff resources, and overall phone system are currently being used. 

Calling Plan Optimization

Variphy helps you choose the ideal calling plans on a user-by-user basis to maximize value and prevent overspending.

Utilization Tracking

Identify trends in utilization across your Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) servers, carriers, and site capacity over time so you can scale appropriately.

Migrate to Cloud Calling Seamlessly with Variphy

Migrating communications to the cloud does not need to be filled with unknowns. Lean on expertise, derive insights from data, and make the switch with confidence. Variphy is here to help every step of the way. Learn more.