3 Things to Do Before Migrating to Cloud Calling

3 Things to Do Before Migrating to Cloud Calling

While migrating from on-premises to a cloud calling platform can be beneficial to organizations, the process can be lengthy and challenging. Here are three things to do before migrating so you can set your organization up for a seamless, successful move to the cloud. 

What to Do Before Migrating to Cloud Platforms

Document Your Current Configuration

Before starting the migration process, it’s vital to document the configuration of your current environment. Should you hit a snag during the transition, an as-built report to reference can save you from the headache of time-consuming guesswork. 

Gain Visibility on Old and New Platforms

The time it takes to migrate to a new cloud calling platform can be extensive, depending on how large your current on-prem infrastructure might be. As you move to the new platform, you’ll need visibility on calls for both environments. Analytics with multiplatform support can bridge this gap, so you can stay informed no matter how long the process takes. 

Ensure Access to Historical Data

It’s common for many companies to utilize cloud-based services along with their current system rather than transition over completely. Even those who decide to move completely to the cloud will want access to historical data for reporting and compliance. This will help organizations retain a complete picture of issues and trends even after migration.

Prepare for Cloud Migration the Right Way

Variphy’s solutions offer advanced reporting and analytics to help organizations migrate to cloud calling platforms. With as-built reporting, multiplatform support, unlimited call data retention, and more, Variphy has helped organizations worldwide migrate to Webex Calling, Zoom Phone, and Microsoft Teams.

Learn more about how our dedicated Migration Team can help you move to the cloud.