CUCM Support: Troubleshooting Common Issues

CUCM Support: Troubleshooting Common Issues

It’s easy to get in touch with Variphy’s Support team — you can open a support ticket, engage the chat, or simply send an email. But sometimes, you might want to solve an issue on your own.

Our systems engineers hosted a webinar that covers the most common issues they see and takes you through the steps to handle these issues easily.

Below are a couple of examples of the issues they tackle.

Finding a Missing User in a Departmental Report

One of the most common requests we get is for assistance with departmental reports. For example, you might be going through a report from a previous week and notice one of your users is missing. 

The first step would be to click on the “Reports” tab at the top of your dashboard. 

The “Data Summary” option can be found on the right side of the page. There you will be able to view if the lookups for departmental information are based on current or historical synced data. 

If historical reports are being run, switch to a previous sync so that the user records and departmental information are relevant for the desired time frame. 

If this doesn’t solve the missing user problem, a second option would be to access CUCM for a possible labeling issue. 

Under the “User Management” tab, select “End User” and enter the name you are searching for in the “Find User Where” boxes. The issue may be that the person being searched for is listed under the wrong department. If this is the case, it’s an easy fix. 

To change the department field, click on the user’s name on the right side to access their record. If they are not listed as an “Active Enabled LDAP Synchronized User,” there should be an available text box next to the “Department” user status on the right side of the page. The correct or desired title for that user should be entered into that box.

Accessing Missing Reports 

Another commonly reported issue is that a report was generated and the person that was supposed to receive the report never got it.  

Under the “Reports” page, there is an option for “Repository,” which displays a detailed history of past reports. 

If you see the report on the list, you can go into that schedule and view the recipient.

If you find that it was sent to the intended person, you can enter the repository again and download the report. 

One final note is that if the report is missing from more than a week ago, the report will have to be rerun with new dates because it won’t automatically run for that set time. 

Still Feeling Stuck? Contact Variphy Support!

Some issues like the ones mentioned in this webinar have quick fixes, but if you’re feeling stuck, don’t hesitate to contact our Support team! Our experts can walk you through the process so you can move on to your next task.