Cisco Live 2017 interview with Tim from Northwest Community Credit Union

Cisco Live 2017 interview with Tim from Northwest Community Credit Union

We sat down with Tim from Northwest Community Credit Union at Cisco Live 2017 to hear how he discovered Variphy and why it was chosen as their CDR Reporting and Call Analytics solution.

The Challenge

Tim was unable to easily read CDR files and figure out call logs at the raw level within his organization. He turned to his peers who quickly pointed him to Variphy.

The Solution & Impact

By the end of DAY 1 of using Variphy’s CDR Reporting & Call Analytics solution, Tim was off and running and had already created several reports that he had not been able to build before. From there, it only became more amazing for him as he was looking for something to read raw logs. He hadn’t realized he was able to control phones with Remote Phone Control. He was able to see what the end user was actually pressing on the phone in real-time. The reports were everything his organization had been looking for for over a year. He was also able to create reports for just about everything from statistics to graphical which are sent to C-level, automated and scheduled.

Within a week from the POC, Variphy was fully implemented, letting Tim shut down his old time-consuming process immediately. Tim also made Variphy a secondary notification system, in the event his organization’s email failed. With the ability to send messages to a select few, or all of their 8851 Cisco phone screens, he has the ability to have that second line of notification, in the event of email failing and disaster recovery. He also now has the ability to troubleshoot what a user is experiencing in real time, right from his desk. The value add beyond what he was initially looking for was amazing.

Variphy is used on a daily basis and Tim has now implemented a process that lets them compare configurations day-to-day to see what changes may have happened in their phone system. Variphy makes it easy for him to go in, see what change was made, remediate, and/or find if something is broken, all because they are easily able to compare logs.

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