Variphy Product-Development Q1 2023 Meetup
For a fully remote company, there is no better way to build connections and establish trust with one another than meeting in person.
The Variphy Product Development Q1 2023 Meetup in Orange County was a resounding success. The department has seen a lot of growth over the last couple of years, so it was nice to kick off 2023 with a bang!
Throughout the week, 20 team members from product development, sales, and marketing were able to gather. It led to many fascinating and stimulating discussions about Variphy’s history and our future.
As the department moves into this year, our growth necessitated a paradigm shift from the “old way” of operating to something new. What was once a single large team is now split into smaller, focused teams that will continue to grow independently through synergy.
Between discussions of operations and development priorities, the teams also took the time to do some fun activities outside of our traditional day-to-day. A few folks braved the Pacific to surf for the first time, while others conquered terrain on a six-mile hike. A clever crew solved a challenging escape room. We also had a department-wide bowling and arcade outing. And it would be remiss to not mention all the fantastic food and drinks we had during the evening.
These meetups are a core component of who we are at Variphy. We explore and have fun in new and creative ways while always keeping sight of the work we want to accomplish. Our team chemistry is paramount to our success.