Customer Success: Kelsey-Seybold Clinic
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic is a Houston-based healthcare provider offering coordinated, compassionate care through multiple specialized facilities.

- Location: United States
- Industry: Healthcare
- Product: Variphy Reporting and Analytics for Cisco CUCM, Variphy As-built Reporting for Cisco, Variphy Change Management for Cisco, Variphy DN & DID Management for Cisco CUCM
- Device: 10,000
The Challenge
Kelsey-Seybold faced several hurdles in managing their communications infrastructure. They grappled with a lack of experience in their new phone system, operated with a small telecom staff, and were constrained by the limited reporting capabilities of their built-in CDR reporting tool. Additionally, the team had minimal time to address and resolve communication issues effectively.
The Solution
After a brief demonstration and proof of concept, Kelsey-Seybold chose Variphy for its comprehensive solution. The software was rapidly deployed using OVA, with support from knowledge base articles and a training session from Variphy’s expert team. The proof of concept provided immediate results, addressing their challenges head-on with professional support that demonstrated deep product knowledge.
“The responsiveness and knowledge of the Variphy support team is unmatched. No matter how small or large the request is, it is always handled accurately and promptly.”
The Impact
Variphy successfully met Kelsey-Seybold’s reporting and analytics needs, going beyond CUCM reporting to include CUBE, change management, and dial plan management features. These capabilities empowered the telecom team to generate on-demand reports and metrics, while also enabling efficient troubleshooting of issues as they arose, significantly enhancing their communication management capabilities.
Learn more about our Cisco telephony analytics and reporting solutions.